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Badai Tropis Oswald Rendam Ribuan Rumah

Badai Tropis Oswald Rendam Ribuan Rumah
Badai Tropis Oswald Rendam Ribuan Rumah, span id=yiv1417195598advenueintext>span>sydney - /span>/span>span id=yiv1417195598result_box lang=id>span title=three people were dead and dozens trapped on the roofs of their homes in northeastern australia on monday as severe floods swept through two states, inundating hundreds of properties and threatening thousands more.>sedikitnya, tiga
orang tewas dan puluhan orang terjebak di atas rumah mereka, ketika
banjir bandang menerjang di dua negara bagian australia. /span>/span>span title=the bodies of two men swept away by floodwaters were found on monday, one in the queensland state capital brisbane and another further north at gympie, following the earlier discovery of an elderly man's body at burnett heads near bundaberg.>dua mayat ditemukan di hari senin (28/1/2013), satu dari mereka tersapu banjir di kota brisbane, /span>span id=yiv1417195598result_box lang=id>span title=the bodies of two men swept away by floodwaters were found on monday, one in the queensland state capital brisbane and another further north at gympie, following the earlier discovery of an elderly man's body at burnett heads near bundaberg.>span id=yiv1417195598result_box lang=id>span title=the bodies of two men swept away by floodwaters were found on monday, one in the queensland state capital brisbane and another further north at gympie, following the earlier discovery of an elderly man's body at burnett heads near bundaberg.>queensland /span>/span>
dan satu lagi tersapu banjir di kota gympie. penemuan itu terjadi
selang ditemukannya satu mayat pria tua yang di burnett heads dekat
bundaberg./span>/span>span title=queensland premier campbell newman said four cities were facing major flooding in the wake of tropical cyclone oswald with 1,200 homes already under water in bundaberg where record floods had trapped at least 30 people on the roofs of their homes.>perdana
menteri negara bagian queensland, campbell newman mengatakan empat kota
di wilayahnya tergenang banjir di mana merupakan akibat dari kedatangan
badai tropis oswald. /span>span title=queensland premier campbell newman said four cities were facing major flooding in the wake of tropical cyclone oswald with 1,200 homes already under water in bundaberg where record floods had trapped at least 30 people on the roofs of their homes.>ia membeberkan, terdapat 1.200 rumah di wilayah
kota /span>span id=yiv1417195598result_box lang=id>span title=queensland premier campbell newman said four cities were facing major flooding in the wake of tropical cyclone oswald with 1,200 homes already under water in bundaberg where record floods had trapped at least 30 people on the roofs of their homes.>span id=yiv1417195598result_box lang=id>span title=queensland premier campbell newman said four cities were facing major flooding in the wake of tropical cyclone oswald with 1,200 homes already under water in bundaberg where record floods had trapped at least 30 people on the roofs of their homes.>bundaberg /span>/span>telah terendam air, dan 30 orang terjebak di atap rumah mereka. /span>span title=>kami mencoba menyelamatkan warga pada pagi ini. /span>/span>span id=yiv1417195598result_box lang=id>span title=>span id=yiv1417195598result_box lang=id>span title=>meskipun
kita memiliki helikopter, kondisi cuaca sangat mengerikan dan berbahaya
untuk terbang, arus air sangat deras dan itu juga berbahaya bagi perahu
karet/span>/span>, ujarnya, seperti dikutip dari>/span>span title=police urged those trapped by the rapidly rising waters to retreat to their roof if safe and attempt to hail rescue helicopters flying over the town.>sementara
kepolisian australia meminta kepada warga yang terperangkap di rumah
mereka, segera menyelamatkan diri mereka ke atas atap rumah mereka, dan
menunggu helikopter penyelamatan tiba. /span>span>sekitar 100 tentara telah dikerahkan untuk membantu evakuasi dan dua pesawat sedang dalam perjalanan. /span>span title=newman said the situation in bundaberg, home to about 50,000 people 360 kilometres north of brisbane, was >newman mengatakan, situasi di kota bundaberg, rumah bagi sekitar 50 ribu orang adalah kritis dimana diperkirakan /span>span title=as many as 2,000 homes were expected to go under.>sebanyak 2.000 rumah terdendam banjir. /span>span title=deputy mayor david batt said > ratusan orang, bahkan ribuan orang, akan dievakuasi dalam beberapa jam ke depan, ujar /span>span id=yiv1417195598result_box lang=id>span title=deputy mayor david batt said >span id=yiv1417195598result_box lang=id>span title=deputy mayor david batt said >wakil walikota bundaberg, david batt./span>/span>/span>/span>menurutnya
banjir tersebut merupakan akibat dari meluapnya sungai burnett, dimana
ketinggian air mencapai sembilan meter, memecahkan semua rekor
sebelumnya.span title=there was also flooding in gympie, maryborough and the lockyer valley, which was the epicentre of devastating floods two years ago that claimed 35 lives and brought brisbane to a standstill for several days.>selain itu banjir juga dilaporkan terjadi di kota gympie, maryborough dan lembah lockyer.span style=font-weight:bold;>(>/span> )

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